Holiday Club 2023

Our ecumenical summer holiday club, for children in school years 1-6, ran from Monday 24th until Friday 28th July. 58 children attended, and almost as many volunteers, drawn from many different churches, cared for the children in their groups; ran activities; provided food for about a hundred people each day; and led sessions of celebration and teaching at the start and end of each day.

The theme was Bright Sparks, and focused on Jesus, the Light of the World, and how he brings light into our lives. Our memory verse was taken from John 8:12 - I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

We experienced so many blessings. The children had a great time, loved the songs, engaged with the activities, and established fantastic relationships with each other and with the adult volunteers. Parents - many of whom had little or no link to any church - told us how much they and their children appreciated the week.


Links to the songs we enjoyed during the week are listed below.


Each day started with an introduction to the day's theme, led by our brilliant up-front team...

...and singing and dancing to our favourite songs.

Then we went off to activities, including crafts...

... scientific experiments...

... and games, some led by Buzz and Woody aka John and David!

Our brilliant team of volunteers